Prime Minister Orban sent a letter to Michel regarding the 6th package of sanctions prepared by the EU against Russia for its attack on Ukraine.
In his letter, Orban stated that fuel prices have increased by 55-60 percent, reaching the peak in the last 40 years and that if the sanctions in question come into effect, it will cause a severe crisis in Hungary and endanger his country.
Pointing out that Hungary supplied more than 90 percent of its oil needs from Russia in 2010, Orban noted that despite the steps taken by his country in the last 12 years, it still supplies 64 percent of its oil needs from Russia. Stating that the EU’s proposals to ban oil imports from Russia are insufficient, Orban emphasized that the EU should give more support to the country’s investments in infrastructure and technology.
Orban said that his government had accepted all the sanctions proposals that the EU has brought to the table against Russia so far but that it will not accept the new sanctions package, which is planned to be brought to the agenda at the European Council on 30-31 May.
Orban stated that the new sanctions package is “unacceptable” and said, “If the oil embargo is accepted, it will mean an atomic bomb dropped on the Hungarian economy.” he said.